작성일 : 22-05-17 19:17

CCA Log 17.05.2022 Miss Melvy Marroquin

 글쓴이 : 이슬기

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조회 : 58


Los alumnos de todo el colegio reciben clase de biblia en donde ellos leen y copian los versiculos para asi luego analizarlos y tratar de comprender los mismos para asi poder tener una comunicacion con Dios.


The students of the whole school receive a Bible class where they read and copy the verses in order to later analyze them and try to understand them in order to have a communication with God.

[이 게시물은 Pastor님에 의해 2024-01-26 08:14:03 Construction (학교)에서 이동 됨] [이 게시물은 Pastor님에 의해 2024-01-27 12:33:23 GGS Stories에서 이동 됨]