( Marisol Orozco: Social Sciences, Cakchiquel, Entrepreneurship and accounting) (Cesia Jovel: Korean, Music & Plastic arts)
Title: Social Research
In all social sciences, the following requirements can be applied: Problematization, Problematization: structuring and analysis.
What problem are we going to investigate
The interpretation of the information obtained
Title: Documentary Research
By means of graphic and sound records, such as information sources, manuscripts and printed sources, printed texts, which are located in library files
Files: documentary information (you need instruments to manage the information, among them are the files…
Bibliographic files, files by author, hemerographic, audiographic, iconographic files,
Types of research:
There are different forms of research and they can be used simultaneously: types of research: depending on the results to be traced, 3 types of research can be carried out: descriptive, historical and participatory.
Research sources: a study can be carried out in two ways: office and field
First sources It dates from the Victorian era, due to the victorious reign of England 1837 - 1901.
Research methodology, they are carried out with various techniques:
Research techniques:
-Study of cases
-Bibliographic file
-Work or content tab
Task: 3 examples of each of the investigation techniques… (1A,1B,2A & 2B)
Documentary research
Instruments: reporter recorder, video recorder, digital, photo and video camera, cell phone, laptop,
Task: comparative table, involving the three types of documentary and field social research (2A & 2B)
Learning Words in Kaqchikel, as: pine, hen, water, etc…
Title: Roles and genders in the family
The well-being of a family depends, among other factors, on whether each member fulfills an activity or role, according to their age and ability. The function of each one of the members of the family is related to the place and the rules established in the home, but above all, with the conception that one has, about the role of men and women in society. In relation to gender roles, there are many stereotypes, many stereotypes depending on the group ... (1A,1B,2A & 2B)
Tittle: Korean compound vowels.
vocales compuestas coreanas, repaso de vocales simples
Task: word search of simple vowels and writing repetition compound vowels.
(1A,1B,2A & 2B)
Task: compasses, dividing lines and double line duration of sounds.
(1A,1B,2A & 2B)
Plastic Art
Title: Line art
Task: Choose some drawing, and make it line art, doing some horizontal, vertical or diagonal lines, with color markers (1A,1B,2A & 2B)
[이 게시물은 Pastor님에 의해 2024-01-26 08:25:35 Construction (학교)에서 이동 됨]
[이 게시물은 Pastor님에 의해 2024-01-27 12:45:50 GGS Stories에서 이동 됨]