작성일 : 21-07-06 14:23

CCA Log 07/05/2021

 글쓴이 : Oscar

Warning: Undefined array key "hitShowYN" in /home1/chsixchn/public_html/_newhome/_chboard/skin/board/r_photo/view.skin.php on line 26
조회 : 109

After a week of vacation here in Guatemala we started preparing the classes material for tomorrow our first day of virtual classes of the week, we also answered any question about the projects or homework left during vacation.

[이 게시물은 Pastor님에 의해 2024-01-26 08:22:03 Construction (학교)에서 이동 됨] [이 게시물은 Pastor님에 의해 2024-01-27 12:42:32 GGS Stories에서 이동 됨]