- Sociales 1ero Basico. <Miss Estefany Oroxon>
Se ubicó en mapa de mesoamerica las regiones de América.
Social 7th Grade <Miss Estefany Oroxon>
The regions of America were located on the map of Mesoamerica.
Sociales 2do Basico. <Miss Estefany Oroxon>
Tema visto: contrarreforma
Se formaron grupos para exponer la próxima semana.
Social 8th Grade. <Miss Estefany Oroxon>
Topic Seen: Counter Reformation
Groups were formed to exhibit next week.
Expresion Artística 2do Basico. <Miss Estefany Oroxon>
Se realizó formato de rotulación.
Arts 8th Grade. <Miss Estefany Oroxon>
Labeling format was made.
Sociales 3ero Basico. <Miss Estefany Oroxon>
Se realizó una ronda de preguntas previas sobre el Estado de Guatemala.
Conocieron las principales funciones de las entidades guatemaltecas.
Social 9th Grade. <Miss Estefany Oroxon>
A round of preliminary questions was held about the State of Guatemala.
They learned about the main functions of the Guatemalan entities.
Ingles 3ero Basico. <Teacher Luis Alacan>
Trabajamos la primera evaluación de Listening and Pronunciation.
English 9th Grade. <Teacher Luis Alacan>
We work the first evaluation of Listening and Pronunciation.
Coreano 1ero Basico <Maestra Sujin Sim>
Los alumnos siguieron practicando las consonantes coreanas.
Korean 7th grade <Teacher Sujin Sim>
The students continued to practice Korean consonants.
[이 게시물은 Pastor님에 의해 2024-01-26 08:18:25 Construction (학교)에서 이동 됨]
[이 게시물은 Pastor님에 의해 2024-01-27 12:37:14 GGS Stories에서 이동 됨]