작성일 : 22-02-17 16:17

CCA Log 17.02.2022 Miss Carolina Mejia 1ero Basico

 글쓴이 : 이슬기
조회 : 92

1ero Basico, Matematica

Se realizó hoja de trabajo en  parejas  para que los chicos que comprenden el tema ayuden a los que les cuesta un poco más (técnica positivo/negativo)

7th Grade, Math

A worksheet was made in pairs so that the boys who understood the topic help those who find it a little more difficult (positive/negative technique)

[이 게시물은 Pastor님에 의해 2024-01-26 08:17:35 Construction (학교)에서 이동 됨] [이 게시물은 Pastor님에 의해 2024-01-27 12:36:06 GGS Stories에서 이동 됨]