작성일 : 22-03-02 19:00

CCA Log 02.03.2022 Miss Carolina Mejia 3ero Basico

 글쓴이 : 이슬기
조회 : 80

3ero Basico, Matematica

Hoja de trabajo comprobando el aprendizaje de aplicación de propiedades y operación de radicales de manera en parejas y se logró comprobar que se alcanzo 90% de satisfacción.

9th Grade, Math

Worksheet verifying the learning of application of properties and operation of radicals in pairs and it was possible to verify that 90% satisfaction was reached.

[이 게시물은 Pastor님에 의해 2024-01-26 08:17:00 Construction (학교)에서 이동 됨] [이 게시물은 Pastor님에 의해 2024-01-27 12:35:45 GGS Stories에서 이동 됨]